I am obliged to say thank you to every person who has been there to help me when I have asked for it, to those who reached out when you saw me struggling, and to those who have been a support to me without hesitation. Without you, I could not have gotten to where I am without your help.

Today, because of  you, I am not afraid to ask for help.

You see,  before I would have negatively associated that need for help with being weak.

Today, I know better than that.

We all need help in our lives sometimes and if we don’t ask for it then we miss out on the possibilities that the ability others can give to us through their assistance.

Isolation is not the answer. It is a part of the problem-

So, to those out there struggling, alone, isolated and feeling as if you have to do this on your own, you do not. You are not alone. Please, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

It may be the bravest thing you’ll ever do and it might change your life.

I would not be here without the help of some great people who never gave up on me. I thought that I could do it on my own. I thought I was in control. I wasn’t. In doing so, I was only hurting the others who truly wanted to help me.

You will be surprised how much people will help when you ask for it. If they aren’t helping you when you ask, you are asking the wrong people.

So, I challenge those who are struggling to reach out- just like I did, to ask for help and to see how their lives change. There are people waiting to help you. You just have to ask for it.