I am a graduate studentĀ at Fort Hays State University. I am studying to become a Licensed Addiction’s Counselor. I live in Hutchinson, Kansas. I am also a Kansas Certified Peer Mentor at a local non-profit organization.

I have two children; Maddox and Sienna.

I am a good person today. My life is simple. My family is everything to me and while it may not be in the most conventional style, it works for us. I love my children with everything that I have.

I am also fortunate to work at a local substance abuse facility. As a person in recovery, I am able to reach out to those like me and who are still suffering to be a roadmap for them. I am a resource guide, a tour guide or whatever the client needs. I do my best to attempt to help everyone that I come into contact with to the best of my ability. I can say that I have been in their shoes which helps establish a relationship with people.

It is really my passion to help others. I graduate in December and I will sit for the LAC exam that month. I plan to stay working at the local substance abuse facility I am currently employed with now (that is if they will have me).

I am a fairly simple person today. However, that is how I like things: simple and honest.